Recent News


Recent News    (Click here for news archive)

Sharon is featured in the RSE Women in Science exhibition currently touring round Edinburgh. The exhibition celebrates some of the exceptional women scientists within the RSE Fellowship. See here for further information.

January 2020

Happy New Year!

December 2019

Congratulations to Rob who graduated with a PhD this month. Rob worked on computational modelling of disordered materials, in particular of ceramics and hydrous minerals. We wish him well in his future career.

Cameron, Dave and Zach all took part in the annual St Andrews postgraduate and postdoctoral research symposium this month, presenting posters on their most recent work.

Suzi received a welcome Christmas present this month when her paper on 17O enrichment of zeolites with collaborator Paul Wright was accepted in J. Am. Chem. Soc. on Christmas Day! Congratulations!

November 2019

Sharon gave a seminar at the University of Lancaster this month where she described the group’s recent work on NMR crystallography in ceramics and minerals. During the visit she was able to catch up with former group members John Griffin and Valerie Seymour, and with  collaborator Stephen Wimperis.

The group celebrated an early Christmas dinner at the end of the month in Mitchells in St Andrews. We wish good luck to all our undergraduate students in their upcoming exams.

October 2019

Sharon gave a seminar in the School of Earth and Environmental Science in St Andrews this month, where she described experimental and computational work from the last few years on OH/F disorder in humites and the hydration of high-pressure minerals.

Congratulations to Cameron and Suzi whose work on 17O NMR of ze
olites with collaborators Russell Morris and Petr Nachtigall appeared in Nature Communications this month!

Congratulations also to Rob and Dave, whose work with collaborator Ricardo Grau-Crespo on modelling disorder in ceramics appeared in J. Am. Chem. Soc. this month. See the Publications page.

September 2019

The group was joined by new PhD student (and past summer project student) Ben.  Ben will be working on NMR characterisation of microporous materials. The group has also been joined by Paulina Rawinska, who is a joint Masters student with Bill Auston in the School of Geography. Also joining the group are undergraduate project students Emma, Olivia, Sam, Sarah and Liam. Emma will be working on NMR of MOFs with Zach, Olivia on NMR of zeolites with Cameron, Sam will be working on pNMR studies of Cu-based MOFs (supervised by Daniel), while Sarah and Liam will be working alongside Dave on DFT calculations of hydrous minerals.

Sharon and Dave attended the annual Materials & Molecular Modelling (MMM) Hub Conference and User Meeting at the Thomas Young Centre in London this month. Sharon gave a keynote talk on the group’s recent work on modelling disorder in ceramics and minerals. Dave presented a poster on his recent work on hydrous high-pressure minerals using soprano.

The group has published two papers in a Special Edition of Solid State NMR on the NMR Spectroscopy of Paramagnetic Solids (Edited by Sharon and Chris Jaroniec). These included work by Daniel and Sharon on 13C pNMR of Cu-based MOFs, and computational work predicting pNMR shifts by Zhipeng, Daniel and Sharon with collaborator Michael Buehl. See the Publications page.